Freight can be calculated in many different ways.
Enter weight and volume sizes for all your products, then calculate pricing across common/custom weight ranges.
Use a base fee, minimum fee or per unit fee to capture the basic "handling costs" of an order.
Mix and match fees to create complex freight and handling fee calculations.
Provide free freight when total value of order is over X.
Enter multiple freight matrix per user selectable destinations or methods of delivery. Customers select the freight destination/method that best suits their needs.
Freight destinations can be locked to a specific country or currency, and also determine GST/VAT/Sales tax rules.
Many addressing format options, for those who require only a short address, or separate billing/delivery address.
Optional address auto completion/search feature. Selecting the address first enables the filtering of freight options to match a customers address.
Or select a freight option first, then enter a customer address to match.
System remembers customer addresses without customer logging in, for user friendly customer experience.
All orders are address verified, including international orders. We will notifiy you in the order notification if we believe there are any issues with a customer address. We will not reject a customer order.
We can detect NZ and Australian rural delivery codes. We can offer a different range of shipping options to rural customers, or simply add a surcharge to their freight fee.
We are integrated with many different courier companies for real time pricing, based on your own customer account with that courier company. Please note that live pricing is a little more complex, and may require using a plugin for a fee.
For those who want to deliver their own items, using a delivery van or truck, we also offer a distance calculator. The distance calculator determines how far the delivery address is from your depot, and then considers what fee to charge the customer. This can be based on short/medium/long haul fixed rates, plus an overage per km rate (or in km bands).
For suppliers of landscaping / agregate supplies, there is an option to determine how much capacity your truck has by volume or weight. If more than 1 load is required, then it will be priced accordingly.
Several popular courier companies are integrated with our platform, and makes fulfilling an order easy. Simply login to your courier company's website, and your orders will be listed and ready for you to print lables with all the right information on them. Sample couriers companies include: NZ Post, eShip, GoSweetSpot, Aramex, Parcel Port.
If your courier is not currently integrated, you may find that StarShipIT can provider an interface between